Lambda 7 (2018)
Members : Seok-hun Jo, Min-su Kim, Hyeon-gyu Min, Jae-sung Bae, Jong-sung Lee
Project : Ice Vampire (self power ice removing robot using electromagnetic energy harvesting)
Award :
Grand Prize (대상), 2018 부산권역 LINC+ 15개 대학 연합 캡스톤디자인 경진대회.
Grand Prize (대상), Project and Business Festival, DA-URP, 동아대학교 산학연연구단지조성사업단.
Silver Prize (은상), Capstone design competition, Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers, Korea(South)
Represented as Dong-A University Representative team (동아대학교 대표팀) to National Link Fair, Link+ 사업 협의회, 한국연구제단, 교육부, Korea (South)
Lambda 6 (2017)
Members : 박세훈, 이성현, 전셩현 (LAMBDA-1), 장기철, 김상훈, 김현우 (LAMBDA-2)
Project :
LAMBDA-1: 환자의 활동범위 향상을 위한 IoT 스마트 시스템, IOTSS,
LAMBDA-2: 접어식 드론
Award :
Silver Prize, Capstone design competition, Dong-A University, Korea(South)
Creative Design Award, BIXPO (빛가람 국제전력기술 엑스포-2017), 한국전력공사
Award of Appreciation, Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers, Korea (South)
Award of Appreciation, 부산 R&D 주간-2017, 부산창조경제혁신센터
한국연구재단 이사장상, National Link Fair, 한국연구제단, 교육부, Korea (South)
Represented as Dong-A University Representative team (동아대학교 대표팀) to National Link Fair, Link+ 사업 협의회, 한국연구제단, 교육부, Korea (South)
Award of Appreciation, 2017 Korea Drone Championship, Korea (South)
Award of Appreciation, Capstone design competition, Dong-A University, Korea(South)
한국연구재단 이사장상, National Link Fair, 한국연구제단, 교육부, Korea (South)
Represented as Dong-A University Representative team (동아대학교 대표팀) to National Link Fair, Link+ 사업 협의회, 한국연구제단, 교육부, Korea (South)